Real-time help?
Yes, really!
FREE with select plans, members get access to video chats with live Experts who can help you assess or fix breakdowns in real time.*
Video chat hours are from 6AM-9PM CST, 7 days/week. Subject to change.
FREE with select plans, members get access to video chats with live Experts who can help you assess or fix breakdowns in real time.*
Video chat hours are from 6AM-9PM CST, 7 days/week. Subject to change.
Video chat hours are from 6AM-9PM CST, 7 days/week. Subject to change.
Protect the major parts of your covered systems and appliances. Plus, with select plans, you can video chat in real time with live Experts.
If more coverage means less worries, ShieldGold is for you. Protect parts of 23 major systems and appliances in your home.
ShieldPlatinum protects parts of 23 systems and appliances, plus roof leak repair coverage and other member perks.
See the plan agreement for coverage details, including service fees, limitations and exclusions. Coverage limits and charges for non-covered items may apply. Video chat available as a member benefit with select AHS plans. Video chat hours are from 6AM-9PM CST, 7 days/week. Subject to change.